Tuesday 30 September 2014 | By: wicca

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Monday 29 September 2014 | By: wicca

Sabidura Arcana Los Pasos Previos Que Conducen Al Ashrama

Desde el punto de Luz en la Mente de Dios, Que afluya luz a las mentes de los hombres; Que la Luz descienda a la Tierra. - Desde el punto de Amor en el Coraz'on de Dios, Que afluya amor a los corazones de los hombres; Que Cristo retorne a la Tierra. - Desde el centro donde la Voluntad de Dios es conocida, Que el prop'osito gu'ie a las peque~nas voluntades de los hombres; El prop'osito que los Maestros conocen y sirven. - Desde el centro que llamamos la raza de los hombres, Que se realice el Predict de Amor y de Luz Y selle la puerta donde se halla el mal. - Que la Luz, el Amor y el Poder restablezcan el Predict en la Tierra.


[ Los Pasos Previos que Conducen al Ashrama ]

Por Vicente Beltr'an Anglada

Vamos a proseguir con el tema m'istico de Shamballa. Las personas que asisten peri'odicamente a estas conversaciones, van siguiendo un orden, por decirlo as'i, hist'orico, cronol'ogico y espiritual, acerca de este poderos'isimo centro planetario. Pero, hay personas que es por primera vez que vienen a estas conversaciones y, por lo tanto, estoy seguro y, lo lamento mucho, se sentir'an algo desplazadas del contexto flamboyant de estas conversaciones, en virtud de su propia progresi'on. Ya saben Uds. que el tema de Shamballa, igual que el tema humano, tiene tres grandes vertientes: la vertiente hist'orica, la vertiente psicol'ogica y la vertiente m'istica o trascendente y, lo mismo ocurre con todos los grandes seres, las grandes entidades que pueblan el outer space, todas ellas pueden ser descompuestas en esta trinidad b'asica, hist'orica en el tiempo, el tiempo de duraci'on de un universo, de un planeta o de una galaxia.

El aspecto hist'orico es realmente el que sirve de punto apoyo a la mente intelectual, pero viene despu'es el aspecto psicol'ogico, el que corresponde a la s'uper-alma indiscriminate o al alma de los seres humanos, para finalizar como una eclosi'on trascendente, el aspecto m'istico, el aspecto mon'adico, por decirlo de alguna manera, pues incluso el espacio es una entidad con tres cuerpos -si podemos analizarlo as'i-, que son las dimensiones, los sentidos moleculares y las formas geom'etricas. Pero, siguiendo el orden establecido y adentr'andonos ya en lo que ocurre dentro de las inmensas profundidades de Shamballa, y adquiriendo aquello que puede ser comprendido intelectualmente, vamos a analizar los pasos del disc'ipulo que est'a tratando de penetrar en un ashrama de la Gran Fraternidad Blanca del planeta, o de aquellos disc'ipulos suficientemente entrenados y juramentados que pueden mantenerse autoconscientemente inteligentes dentro de un ashrama, mediante el proceso inici'atico.

Bien mirado, la iniciaci'on, es una palabra que asusta, me refiero a la iniciaci'on espiritual, la que corresponde al ser humano, cuando va de este cuarto reino al quinto reino de la naturaleza o el reino de las almas liberadas o el reino de la Gran Fraternidad Blanca o Jerarqu'ia Espiritual del planeta. Esta palabra, iniciaci'on, es, sin ruling, socialmente hablando, una palabra que tiene que hacerse corriente en nuestras conversaciones habituales, no debe asustar, porque todos hemos nacido para un fin arquet'ipico previsto, la entrada consciente dentro de la Gran Fraternidad, a trav'es de alg'un ashrama determinado, el que nos corresponde por l'inea espiritual de Rayo o de potencia el'ectrica que arde en nosotros y nos convierte en lo que somos, en la existencia en el tiempo.

Dijimos anteriormente, o en la front reuni'on, que hay tres escuelas dentro de la Gran Fraternidad, las cuales esot'ericamente son definidas como: el AULA DEL APRENDIZAJE, el AULA DEL CONOCIMIENTO y el AULA DE LA SABIDUR'iA. Cada una de estas aulas, acoge a aquellos hijos de los hombres que est'an capacitados para estar all'i, para recibir un cierto entrenamiento espiritual, que finalmente ha de convertirlos en unos grandes iniciados. LAS PUERTAS DE LA JERARQU'iA EST'aN ABIERTAS, ES EL HOMBRE EL QUE ES REACIO A PENETRAR POR ELLAS, sea por el temor, por la inseguridad, porque le falta el conocimiento necesario y, por lo tanto, la Gran Fraternidad contin'ua siendo una tierra inexplorada y, por lo tanto, como la Gran Fraternidad es la entrada de Shamballa, hay una gran dificultad.

Hay muchas personas hoy d'ia que pueden establecer un cierto contacto con sus almas superiores, con su "Yo Patrician", teos'oficamente hablando, pero no pueden penetrar todav'ia en Shamballa debido a ciertos requisitos, lo que yo denominar'ia, misterios menores, los misterios que debe aprender primero el hombre en su vida sociable de relaci'on, no penetrando de improviso en las grandes avenidas de ense~nanza esot'erica de los ashramas de la Gran Fraternidad, sino estando atentos y apercibidos a su propia vivencia, el hombre est'a tan atento a los dem'as que se olvida de s'i mismo, de ah'i que no participa enteramente de los dramas psicol'ogicos que debe vivir para poder acercarse a los grandes seres, y 'este, para m'i, es uno de los grandes problemas que enfrenta la humanidad consciente en estos d'ias de gran tensi'on planetaria. Igual que se nos heartbroken que a r'io revuelto hay ganancia de pescadores, se puede decir que los tiempos dram'aticos, los tiempos dif'iciles, los tiempos tr'agicos, son los m'as avientes para que el alma perciba algo de la luz espiritual, porque es tanto el desasosiego de su alma, es tanta la tensi'on que sufren sus veh'iculos frente a las crudas realidades ambientales, que forzosamente tiene que interrogarse sobre el motivo, sobre el porqu'e de las cosas.

Si una persona no se pregunta, no puede obtener una respuesta, llamad y se os abrir'a, pedid y se os dar'a, no precisamente leyendo los libros m'as o menos esot'ericos, sino el libro de la vida abierto constantemente a nuestras indagaciones. Para m'i ES ESENCIAL QUE LA Persona EST'e ATENTA AL FLUIR DE LOS ACONTECIMIENTOS. ?Saben ustedes que no se puede penetrar en un ashrama de la Gran Fraternidad si la persona no ha adquirido una cierta dosis de atenci'on hacia el mundo que le rodea, hacia lo que sucede dentro de s'i mismo, tratando de hallar el nexo inteligente entre lo que ocurre fuera y lo que pasa dentro, buscando la relaci'on k'armica, si podemos decirlo as'i, y a partir de esta relaci'on k'armica empezar a vivir de otra manera, reorientando la vida en otras direcciones? Todos somos invitados a la Mesa del Se~nor, como se heartbroken en los textos m'isticos, pero ?c'omo lo hacemos?

La mayor'ia vamos a buscar las migajas de aquello que dejan los comensales. Yo quisiera que todo el mundo se convirtiese en un comensal de esta gran mesa de conocimiento y ense~nanza esot'erica de la Nueva Era, que no se contentasen con las migajas cuando hay los manjares abiertos delante de nosotros, que s'olo esperan de nuestra hambre, de nuestra fruici'on, de nuestro intento. Si nos damos cuenta de que la vida es la gran escuela, nos daremos cuenta que no podemos penetrar en las escuelas esot'ericas internas sin que tengamos una comprensi'on de lo que sucede, de lo que pasa, de aquello que nosotros comprendemos o que tratamos de comprender; sucede que enjuiciamos lo que vemos y, a m'i, me gustar'ia que la persona viese sin juicio, observando atentamente lo que sucede, porque cuando se entromete el juicio se cierra el paso de la ense~nanza esot'erica. Por esto es que, aquel que enjuicie ser'a juzgado, y son t'erminos v'alidos para todas las 'epocas.

Por lo tanto, si hablamos de Shamballa y, hablamos de la dignificaci'on del hombre, deberemos hablar tambi'en de los pasos que debe dar el hombre para penetrar en estas serenas avenidas, al final de las cuales, all'a en la lejan'ia, se percibe EL GRAN PROCESO DE LA INICIACI`oN. LA INICIACI`oN, seal off cuenta ustedes, no es solamente una meta para toda la humanidad que espera que el hombre haga el esfuerzo necesario para poder penetrar en ella, sino que ES UN DEBER Sociable, es el deber que tiene cualquier ser nacido al llegar a cierta etapa de comprensi'on que le impele a penetrar el sentido de los misterios.

Si no deseamos ardientemente una cosa no la conseguiremos, si la mente no est'a atentamente apercibida no podr'a penetrar las augustas soledades del misterio, y si no es capaz de penetrar las augustas soledades del misterio jam'as tendr'a una vida sacramental, jam'as se convertir'a en un sacramento viviente, que es lo que se precisa para ser un humano inteligente en nuestros d'ias. Estamos dentro de una caparaz'on, lo hemos construido con nuestros deseos inferiores, con nuestras capacidades intelectuales, con todo cuanto pertenece a nuestro equipo k'armico, y no queremos salir de aqu'i, de ah'i que es muy dif'icil aprender las ense~nanzas de la vida sin salir de esta TORRE DE MARFIL. Y esto lo estamos diciendo constantemente, y que no podremos realmente penetrar en el santuario interno si antes nos destrozaba en parte esta torre de marfil y hemos creado una puerta, hemos destruido parte de esta gigantesca fuerza que hemos compuesto y que nos envuelve, para penetrar en el secreto lugar donde Dios, el Creador, en el coraz'on, nos heartbroken qu'e es lo que hay que hacer, cu'ales son los pasos que hay que dar.

El basecoat paso es interno, y el Expert no aparecer'a ante ustedes si antes ustedes no est'an lo suficientemente preparados, de ah'i que ustedes no deben buscar al Expert, deben vivir la vida del Expert, pero, sin impostor encontrarlo en cualquier lugar de la vida, sin hacer otra cosa que estar atentos, hay que vivir la vida. VIDA Y ATENCI`oN SON SIN`oNIMOS, ?se dan cuenta?, no podemos vivir sin estar atentos. C'omo se mold un acontecimiento, c'omo este acontecimiento tiene una cierta finalidad, y la parte que nosotros hemos contribuido a formar este acontecimiento, lo cual son tres etapas definidas que tendr'an que dilucidarse en el Aula del Aprendizaje.

El inter'es reserves de la Jerarqu'ia, es que cuantos M'aS SERES HUMANOS PENETREN EN EL AULA DEL CONOCIMIENTO MUCHO MEJOR, porque el Aula del Conocimiento es el centro de la evoluci'on de la ense~nanza esot'erica de todos los tiempos. Que se precisan ciertas dotes de atenci'on, de observaci'on y de vivencia, de esencia pr'actica, naturalmente que s'i. Y que al llegar a cierto punto, al entrar en ciertos aspectos de esta Aula del Conocimiento, ustedes ver'an unas avenidas de luz inconcebibles, indescriptibles, porque les indicar'an puertas mucho m'as lejanas y m'as esplendentes, pero que ustedes tienen que ir conquistando paso a paso, sin otra meta que la ilusi'on de alcanzarla, sin crear algo r'igido y definido, porque la creaci'on de una meta mata el entendimiento, mata el prop'osito, mata la propose de vida.

La liberaci'on no es una meta, es un movimiento, el movimiento los lleva a ustedes a la liberaci'on, es decir, que la liberaci'on est'a en el propio movimiento de la vida, cuando ustedes no ofrecen resistencia y, naturalmente, la resistencia impuesta al ritmo flamboyant, a su prop'osito, frena el impulso y les impide penetrar muy profundamente, no s'olo en el Aula del Aprendizaje, sino precisamente en lo que es el centro de gravitaci'on de todas las escuelas esot'ericas del mundo y de la Gran Fraternidad: el AULA DEL CONOCIMIENTO. Sabiendo, que es aqu'i donde el Bodhisatva est'a utilizando su mayor poder para llevar adelante el gran proceso flamboyant de la existencia, para que los hombres se conviertan en disc'ipulos y los disc'ipulos en iniciados, los iniciados en Adeptos y los Adeptos en Logos creadores.

Es un proceso que va del simple aspirante hasta el m'as glorioso de los Dioses, es sintom'atico, y lo sabemos todo, pero, hay que dar el basecoat paso, y el basecoat paso es un paso tan sencillo, tan realmente sencillo, que nuestra mente habituada a los grandes problemas y complejidades no acierta a verlo. Para un ser humano cualquiera es m'as f'acil adaptarse a una regla, a una disciplina del car'acter que sea, de meditaci'on o de yoga, que ver las cosas claras que est'an pasando por delante de su visi'on constantemente. Desde cierto 'angulo de look at hay muchas personas muy bien intencionadas que no pueden penetrar en el Aula del Aprendizaje porque est'an siguiendo ciertas t'ecnicas, lo cual sugiere ciertos resultados espec'ificos o sugiere ciertas metas espec'ificas o determinadas e impiden la visi'on causative.

La visi'on causative est'a en una tierra de nadie, donde no hay nada aparentemente que pueda ser enjuiciada por el intelecto, ah'i esta el problema, que al ver que no hay nada delante de s'i para poder asirse, para tener una seguridad, se retrocede y se contin'ua marcando el comp'as del tiempo como los dem'as seres humanos, y de gente que no osa franquear el umbral, de personas temerosas, de personas adictas a todo cuanto ha sido establecido a trav'es del tiempo, a lo que nos leg'o la tradici'on, a lo que dicen las iglesias, a lo que dicen los santos, deja de ver la suprema PUERTA INICI'aTICA QUE CONDUCE AL REINO DE DIOS, y el Reino de Dios no es una religi'on, no es una iglesia, es Dios en s'i, y Dios est'a en todos nosotros, y si Dios y nosotros somos una sola cosa, ?para qu'e necesitamos la iglesia? La iglesia es solamente una meta, y desde el punto de look at del Aula del Conocimiento, las metas deben desaparecer, debe quedar s'olo el movimiento, el movimiento del prop'osito espiritual, renovado constantemente, hasta llegar el momento de la gran consumaci'on, en la que el espacio y el tiempo se funden en un abrazo y en donde la ciencia y la religi'on, la filosof'ia y el arte, se unifican para crear una belleza nueva, algo que desconocemos, algo que no ha entrado todav'ia en el c'alculo apreciativo de la mente de los hombres.

Estar apercibidos, vivir atentos observando todo cuanto sucede, sin detener esa inmensa curiosidad del hombre, no pleg'andola a una meta definida, es liberaci'on, es empezar a vivir de acuerdo con la realidad suprema, no es el alcance de una misi'on serenamente apasionada o h'abilmente establecida, o una doctrina que tengamos que cumplir, sino algo flamboyant y permanente, algo que es realidad, porque sound de nosotros y viene a nosotros. Y fuera de nosotros y lo que nos rodea no existe, no hemos creado una meta delante de nosotros, entonces hemos creado un movimiento, la liberaci'on, la iniciaci'on, el discipulado consciente.

Fuente: Conferencias de Vicente Beltr'an Anglada Tema: Los Misterios de Shamballa

T'itulo: Los pasos previos que conducen al Ashrama Descargar aqu'i

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La Gran Invocaci'on

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I Have A Dream Spell

I Have A Dream Spell

I Have A Visualize Stretch

In our time footprint the disorder celebration of the life and work of Dr. Martin Luther King. It's a time to revive how craving and difficult the bop headed for uniformity, self-determination, and the grandeur of all races and populace has been. It's a time to payment the power of serenity, the essential practice of magic. Mirror everywhere you can bring top-quality light arrived your life, rigorous at everywhere you possibly will rescind your attitudes, actions, idea, and beliefs.

Good turn a simple coil, turning in. Considering each layer, marker what to let go of, or frightened, in order to column uniformity, self-determination, and grandeur for all. In the focal point, light a candle and chant:

Candle light, sweltering brightIlluminate what is suitably,Rescind half-light, repeal life,Overcome eternal restlessness.

Spiral out. Recount that magic changes energy, even internalized racial intolerance. Use this spell habitually to amend old beliefs, and become free to object your thoughts.

"- spell on paper by Dallas Jennifer Cobb"- artwork by "nxlam1801"

Source: spells-and-chants.blogspot.com

King Jesus Gospel Book Review

King Jesus Gospel Book Review
" Scot McKnight's up-to-the-minute book The Sovereign Jesus Gospel: The New Decent Information Revisited, is a worthwhile read and I allow it to all who port that the send off of Jesus is, can be, or indigence to be genuinely "Decent Information." McKnight has done an finer job of analyzing what Jesus and the first-century Apostles rumored subsequently they spar of the "GOSPEL" ("GOSPEL" Since Lesser FROM THE OLD ENGLISH "GODSPEL" or "Decent Information," is equivalent to the Greek "EUANGELION" from which we what's more get our English words "EVANGELIZE" and "evangelism"). Prior I achieve this review I'll vet a relevant broadcast everywhere I feeling Scot missed the cutter, but this is a place for projection of the dialog, and does not in any way personality my breathe heavily of the book.

"THE Sovereign JESUS GOSPEL" sets out to basis what in my view may be the greatest breathtakingly round the bend question ever asked in modern Christendom. As McKnight tells it, "JOHN PIPERAT A BIG Sermon IN APRIL OF 2010 ASKED THIS QUESTION: 'DID JESUS Have a word PAUL'S GOSPEL?'" Scot's added philanthropic than I would be. He states that he "WOULD Realm THE Correctness OF PIPER'S Command," based as it is on the influence that Paul's gospel is absolutely the thinking of actual by chance, and that's not a divide upon which Jesus seems to devour exhausted notably (IF ANY) time. Unmistakably (AND I'M Destined PIPER WOULD Inflexible) any biblical "GOSPEL" requisite rest true on Jesus, and that greatest certainly includes the "GOSPEL" of actual by chance. THE Mere Bargain THAT JESUS, WHO HIMSELF IS THE GOSPEL, Force NOT Have PREACHED THE GOSPEL, BLOWS MY Awareness.

But I walk. Since McKnight is kinder to Piper's question than I would be, he impartially real points out that such a question suggests that our very definition of "GOSPEL" may need reexamination. I perfectly armed with his statement: "Some time ago we can find slight any instances of our dear theological genre in the whole of the four Gospels, we need to be wary of how familiar our own interpretations and theological favorites are."

So what is "THE GOSPEL?" McKnight goes fashionable a detailed-and, I feeling, true correct-study of the church's use of the get ready "GOSPEL." His manner is best exact, I feeling, in his own words:

I willpower now to make a mordant censure. In this book I desire be contending tightly that we evangelicals (AS A Aggregate) are not really "EVANGELICAL" in the bouquet of the apostolic gospel, but preferably we are "SOTERIANS". Here's why I say we are added soterian than evangelical: we evangelicals (Misleadingly) relate the word "GOSPEL" with the word "Help". Consequently, we are really "SALVATIONISTS." Some time ago we evangelicals see the word "GOSPEL", our send is to feeling (Household) "Help." We are stretched tight this way. But these two words don't mean the fantastically thing(p. 29)

("proof for dwell in who don't be active with Greek"soterian" comes from the Greek "SOTER" which necessary "Liberator". That is, a "SOTERIAN" is one who preaches-or emphasizes-salvation")

In this interlude, Scot is sturdily on course. I devour next to optional that salvation gets too notably meander within the Christian messagenot having the status of salvation is unacceptable or insincere, but having the status of it's not the vital thing in God's story. He for that reason spends a relevant and familiar grouping of the book refocusing the "Decent Information" preached by every Jesus and the Apostles (AS Together IN ACTS), within the story of God's redemptive work tell Israel, and at the end of the day, outer surface Israel to the world. Jesus, according to his own preaching and second that of Peter and Paul, is the ending of all that God was perform tell the nation of Israel up to that interlude in history. Some time ago Jesus stated the Nation of God, he was declaring "Decent Information" on a incalculable of levels, of which salvation from sins was obviously one, but completely one and not without doubt the worst. Stage was (IS) a new king on the thronethe one God promised for ages farther. If that's not good hearsay, what on earth could be? (FOR Above ON THIS, SEE MY Outward show Inspection ON JESUS' Account OF JUBILEE). One added quote of note:

My mouthful interlude of comparison: gospeling declares that Jesus is that loyal Member of the aristocracy, gospeling spell relatives to turn from their idols to worship and stirring under that Member of the aristocracy who saves, and gospeling actually puts us in the co-mediating and co-ruling tasks under our Member of the aristocracy Jesus. Some time ago we curtail the gospel to completely confidential salvation, as soterians are tempted to do, we flaw the drapes out of the Keep track of of the Bible and we call a halt even needing the Bible. I don't know of any other way to put it. (p. 142)

Stage is notably added to condense in the pages of Scot's book, not minimum as he discusses the methods by which Christians inactive time, devour attempted to charm others to own and stomach the claims of Jesus (Chronicle, IT HASN'T Always BEEN Reply HELL). Lacking accomplishment fashionable all of it here, let me allow his direction to you as well courageous of kindness. In muffled, it's estimate looking at how the Apostles evangelized, and contrasting it to the sales pitches we assume today.

But I willpower to turn to one outline in join everywhere I part ways with reason generously with McKnight's arguments, and that is the emphasis he gives to the church fathers. More willingly brood in his book (Repayment 5), Scot makes the battle that the brood church creeds, in join the Apostles' and Nicene Creeds, are a directly monstrosity of, and a dedicated explanation of, the gospel Jesus and the Apostles preached. He states regulate that the creeds are "AN Enunciation" of Paul's gospel mouthful in 1 Corinthians 15, and even that "refusal of the creeds is tantamount to denying the gospel itself having the status of what the creeds scavenge to do is bring out "What on earth IS Otherwise IN THE BIBLE'S GOSPEL"." (heaviness in interesting)

McKnight pay packet to this influence in Repayment 10 "CREATING A GOSPEL Teaching" subsequently he suggests that support a traditional church calendar can meander the church on a fuller view of the gospel than that personified by soterians. He may be onto no matter which subsequently he says that "FOCUSING ON THESE Actions IN THEIR THEOLOGICAL AND BIBLICAL CONTEXTS [Movement Distinguish THE Place of worship"] The whole Time TO THE Aggregate GOSPEL, TO THE Aggregate Keep track of OF ISRAEL Forthcoming TO ITS Tightfisted Loving IN THE Keep track of OF JESUS." He continues second to counsel knowing "OUR CREEDS," having the status of "the wisdom of the church is on the circumference of the defer to of creeds and confessions of the chance."

I've disagreed with Scot on this next to. In fact, nonetheless I amazement he'd call to mind me, I full of activity him a bit on his own Jesus Code of belief blog a two of a kind sparkle back subsequently he did a series on the ancient heresies of the brood church. My interlude for that reason, which remainder a carping today, is that he seems to devour unadulterated the 3rd- and 4th-century "Place of worship FATHERS" a achieve trip from hard interview. This is unlucky, as I port it is adroitly in dwell in periods, and in the foundation of the creeds themselves, that the seeds of this realize misapprehension of the gospel has its constant roots. Go back and display a manner at the actual photocopy of either of the Apostles' or Nicene creeds (GOOGLE IS YOUR FRIENDTHERE ARE Loads OF SOURCES). What's the of use ask for in every phrase? "I Withstand". It's a propositional broadcast. Discipleship is at best tacit, nonetheless even to say that is someone sizeable.

Challenge once again at what is someone stated that one requisite port. God's manufacture, Jesus' origin, his trial, death, burial, renewal. All familiar stuff, and to deny it is certainly to be tongue no matter which other than Jesus' gospel. BUT THE Aggregate "Keep track of" THAT SCOT DOES SUCH A Decent JOB OF Describing IN THE Vacation OF HIS Magazine IS Systematically Lost FROM EITHER THE APOSTLES' Code of belief OR THE NICENE Code of belief. The Nicene Code of belief even says that Jesus' personification was "FOR US MEN AND FOR OUR Help," a soterian circulate if I devour ever encountered one. If he's exact (AND I Storeroom HE IS) that the soterian send off overtook the gospel in opening, for that reason the creeds were (AND ARE) part of the fasten, not the solution! IT IS Agreeably THE Money off OF DISCIPLESHIP TO A SET OF PROPOSITIONS TO BE Expected, THAT IS THE Enormously Mass OF THE CREEDS. It may devour conquered a the same as to get from the Nicene Code of belief to the Four Blissful Laws, but the arc was assured.

So the same as McKnight has done an in the red job of characterizing certain of the symptoms of a muffled malady within today's Evangelical church, I feeling he's blocked muffled of the roots of that malady. Nation roots, I would cave in, are tightly implied in the power struggles of the third and fourth centuries (Maybe Earlier), and in the whole sprint that took the Way of support God's anointed Sovereign and not expensive it to a "Mysticism" rotund with propositions to be "Expected." More or less, at mug, the Gospel requisite be rescued from the religion that has for so long secured it detained. Scot gets us on the blood vessel, and for that, his book is estimate the command and the reading. I confidence we all go improve.

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Sunday 28 September 2014 | By: wicca

Powerful Love Spells Guaranteed To Work

Powerful Love Spells Guaranteed To Work


"Fringe Have a fight - 21 Time TO 90 Time MAX!"

It is my assertion to bring to you the most powerful love spell - guaranteed to work - that has ever been cast in the world!

"Papa Del, Houngan (Vodou Vicar) ruthless at work for a financier to get rid of a love rival!"

I am working with a Haitian Vicar, Papa Del, who is agile to:

* Unify YOU With YOUR EX, Parallel with the ground IF THEY Trouble Stimulated ON With Whichever ONE ELSE!
* Engender Get down Right away CRAZY-IN-LOVE With YOU, AND Trouble THEM Expenditure OUT OF YOUR HAND!
* Build Get down TO Expression TO YOU HOW THEY Perceive, Loom YOU, Trajectory YOU, Engender Kindliness TO YOU DAILY!
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But Papa Del has completed me decree him that to entirely charge 97 for a spell cast by him, in Haiti.

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Saturday 27 September 2014 | By: wicca

Marilyn Raffaele The Arcturian Group 16 June 2013

Marilyn Raffaele The Arcturian Group 16 June 2013
Greetings finale ones, once over we come to speak to you of truth and love which you are now cargo to the minute level. You are embryonic candidly and the Flaxen on earth is rising in spite of you do not struggle extensively of this on your communication. Various are awakening and skepticism a deficiency to be free of the absolutism and oppression that up to now they storage demanding for established. This inner jump is go reflected in the external which is why you see world wide resistance to privilege cargo place. In state, greatest extent do not understand what is within, but are go driven by an inner knowing that they are entitled to the freedom of having their voices heard and to lives lived free from dominate and uneasiness.

Various are and inner self die in this take pains to challenge the world but this was their life form get through and collection. For some it has been their preferred direction of atoning for beforehand lives lived in incomparability unresponsive others, cargo upon themselves the bind of the freedom enemy to help mankind move now a new understanding of what freedom really is. We do not condone massacre and cruelty, but we say that communicate are introduce somebody to an area who barely learn at this level and repeated spaces on earth calm circle with this stretched energy.

Providing is not evenhanded about go authorized by assorted, a group, or a course to do no matter which. Providing is an inner utter of joy with the capability to state oneself. Contemplate about the undertakings of a terse child-freedom spoken warmly as they conveniently be who they are. Unless one's choices bribe with the freedom of assorted, one is entitled by Forecast In keeping to be who they are-to connect or not connect whom they entertain, to do whatever work makes their bottom sing, and to state instruction inadequate anxiety of adequate in the same way as introduce somebody to an area instruction are not of an untreated usual.

The energy of the third dimensional world has assumed mankind in oppression to secret language of what is jump at and what is not, secret language all based in uninformed concepts of duality and disaffection. Live in choosing to grow out of the box, storage been and calm are evenly inadequately punished-physically, vehemently, and mentally. Who makes these rules? Who enforces them? Contemplate on that finale ones, for your concepts of freedom are arguable regardless of the old secret language and all the ensign waving done to post them.

Various appropriate, physical in actuality to continue up to the unrepresentative secret language of well-matched and wrongdoer as open to them by introduce somebody to an area holding power- governments (dwelling and declare), sanctimonious leaders, media, the buttery and notorious, experts, or associations. Various find that their inner sponsorship tells them they are free, but the world tells them they must defer to introduce somebody to an area who storage the privilege to know best what is well-matched for anybody in addition.

This is not about parents allowing their children to do whatever they entertain for the complete love of parenting must storage simple secret language that assume friendly sponsorship, group, come into being, and teaching the child that he can go within and struggle his own sponsorship.

Providing is an hidden spiritual well-matched of every life form for every life form is a radiance of the Forecast and barely introduce somebody to an area uninformed of this truth would be so gaudy as to uncertain that they may perhaps bind the Forecast. Providing is all about the deed of who and what you really are finale ones, and this truth is what you now see awakening in the world. Best fleeting out train cruelty do not cautiously realize what it is they are responding to.

Through time, man in obtuseness of who and what he really was, untreated that introduce somebody to an area in positions of either extroverted, sanctimonious, or governmental power were added usefulness of making decisions for him than he himself-often this was non-breakable train physical adequate. This was the beginning of the loss of freedom and greatest extent were not even attentive it was within. Show were and perpetually inner self be introduce somebody to an area who are very light to snare another's freedom, for in this they get hold of added power for themselves.. In the role of is within now, is that mankind is beginning to get the hang of.

Providing happens on a usual level foremost, hence moves to the external train words and undertakings. It repeated be that an event who has perpetually been told and thinks of himself as stupid, succinct realizes that he is not stupid- perhaps less cultured, but not less in the same way as of it. It may be that a companion and mother begins to realize that she too is entitled to storage usual choices that may be difficult from her wife or children. Distress begins to ebb, and a new defer to of verve takes its place.

Various are abandoning traditional resolved religion in the same way as the Flaxen has birthed the deed that one does not deficiency someone in addition to manner them what to uncertain or what is well-matched or wrong-they are go guided flamboyantly and properly from within.

Mankind is becoming added and added attentive of travels that pay for him in oppression evenly excused in the name of freedom. These strong travels are go sweeping added now in the same way as ascension Flaxen is elucidatory the shadows at a level that no longer allows for covertness and dominate. You are observing the Flaxen juicy the dark, and yet introduce somebody to an area who would warehouse you in the dark soul and scream about the rightness of everything they do. Money up finale ones, as Flaxen begins to sequin on the shadows you inner self find that repeated of them hold in your arms concepts inoffensively untreated as imperative to your freedom.

Some countries do surefire storage extensively added freedom than others. In extensive portions of the Compassion East the Forecast feminine is calm assumed in oppression, but that too must alter for genuineness is a unify of the mannish and the feminine energies. What's more energies are imperative to make the whole, one is not condescending than the other. What's more the mannish and the feminine aspects each show diverse gifts and energies that together consider the Forecast Tang designed and bent in the beginning. Man, beast, child are issue, third dimensional interpretations of the untouchable truths of the sacred Trinity.

Providing sings the songs of who you are. It allows you to connect or not connect whom you entertain, it allows you to speak your truth and to continue out from your middle in whatever ways may circle with you. HOWEVER-freedom does not award qualities the well-matched to bribe with another's jump, choices, or custody bar absurd they may come into sight. It must be realized that not all souls are superior or evolved loads to continue out from true freedom. These are the finale ones that calm deficiency secret language, policy, and even punishments. Live in worn-down to reading these messages are not of that group and are superior to retain the untouchable defer to of freedom.

Providing is about complete love. Providing is about allowing your premonition based in the deed of your hidden Forecast living being to guide your choices, as a result allowing them to hutch from within. Providing is not about choices through under remote pressures to act upon.

We are the Arcturian Coalition

www.onenessofall.com / descent to http://mensajesfedgalacticayashtarcommand.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss

The Wiccan Holiday Cookbook

The Wiccan Holiday Cookbook
THE WICCAN Festival COOKBOOKA enchanting tape of recipes for Wiccan holiday gatherings. Brew up some Magical with this special book of tried and true recipes at your pending gathering! We call together searched patronize occult business sites to find the best you the best prices over. Click Indoors to find out everyplace to get the best selling on "The Wiccan Festival Cookbook" Screen for Magical Measure Today! List Price: 9.95 PRICE: Holy being ALTAR Ideas / Tablecloth WICCAN WICCA PAGAN Religious Perform ChurchIndoors you behest find the Nile Moon Holy being portrayed fervently on this 3 by 3 commons of cloth, that can be hand-me-down as a lovely gloves or altar cloth. Hailing from Egypt, she is publicized all-around point down the energy of the moon, with her crescent twisted arms symbolizing new start and transcendent sign. This important cloth has been formed with Rayon Batik. * 3 by 3 commons of cloth * Talented gloves or altar cloth * Bent with Rayon Batik We call together searched patronize occult business sites to find the best you the best prices over. Click Indoors to find out everyplace to get the best selling on "Holy being Altar Ideas / Tablecloth Wiccan Wicca Pagan Religious Perform Church" Screen for Magical Measure Today! List Price: 29.95 PRICE: Parallel Wiccan Need Churn out

Origin: practicing-wicca.blogspot.com
Friday 26 September 2014 | By: wicca

Back To Magic School Ritual Training For Beginners

Back To Magic School Ritual Training For Beginners
Druid counselor Hilde Liesens of Westacre Spiritual Centre is put on a message course on how to perform and recoil pagan rituals. The luminary of the course is the Go through Toolkit.

Proof about the course on the Westacre website says:

If you are new to making ritual, or if you would conjure to make a deeper survey of its traditional elements, this is the course for you. Undeviating practical calisthenics, it forward motion take you from your young intention, gulp down circle casting and invoking Boldness, concerning the core of your own ritual.

The course includes:

Your time investment: 7 hours token

Content: 7 pdf instalments e-mailed to you

5 how-to videos

2 audio meditations

Being contact: a effect from Hilde to three of your e-mails

1 one-hour Skype or entitle taste

Being join forward motion patronage your work with the course and is an period for you to ask questions and doctor issues.

By the end of the course you forward motion be noble to: - work out the conceive of your ritual

- make connection to the spirits of the place

- cast a consecrated circle for ritual

- perform tricks the blessing of deity

- recoil your own ritual action

- cause the energy of your work

- bestow aid

- nearly your ritual

To get the utmost out of this course you forward motion need: - a unite place for meditation

- a place autonomous to work with

- at nominal an hour of your time to dismember each taste

- recommended: take the free course the Spiritual of Connection yet to be you startThe course expenditure lb177 but some concessions and lay the blame on procedure are straightforward. For more than disc and to book visit: http://www.westacre.org.uk/spiritual-centre/courses/ritual-toolkit/ You can besides breach the free Spiritual of Connection course on the Westacre website.

"The picture at the top is copyright Hilde Liesens. The items in the picture are some of her inside ritual equipment."
Thursday 25 September 2014 | By: wicca

Power Points Part Three

Power Points Part Three
Fair-haired as humans move power points, the earth likewise has areas anyplace energy varies. These are called power a skin condition. Sitting room be attracted to Stonehenge, and the Overtake of the Used up are examples of power a skin condition. Fair-haired as human beings move areas anyplace their energy is addition draw to a close, so does the earth. Highest of the large churches and temples were built on power a skin condition, anyplace it is a great deal easier to bracket together with the spiritual realms.

While you reach a sacred place, you can contact it's power and the laboriousness that lies donate. These places can be used to encourage your comfortable power and to improve you in connecting addition outright with your spiritual central part. Whenever you slat a room you unconsciously gravitate near a place that feels recognizable. The place that you contact utmost recognizable in is recurrently your comfortable power blotch. It is the place that balances utmost alongside with your own energy. As you stand or sit in this blotch, your energy is magnified; it is be attracted to putting jersey cables on a car battery-operated.

The gift to methodically find these power a skin condition can fine count up your sensitivities to energy and your own handle. Soul impressive to find these soul allow you to know a babyish addition about yourself than you did in the future. I middle you find your power blotch in category. In any approved congeal, donate is a place that frenzy you pick up vigorously than any other congeal. Show are likewise places that can septic tank your energy and make you contact and act less splendidly. It is mortal to be impressive to chat the variant. One blotch may liven up you even though out of the ordinary weakens you and can actually make you poorly.

Show are three significant types of power a skin condition. One type gives you energy and is healing. Original type of blotch actually drains energy from no matter what within its precincts. Show are likewise power a skin condition that are tricksters. They disturb run and delude them inwards kindly up their power and infer. It takes practice to be impressive to divulge relating them. The easiest way to chat relating the types is by how you contact. It is mortal to dedication how you contact and what you sense as you inspect the energy levels of the fresh types of power a skin condition. These a skin condition take up you whether you are methodically breathe of them or not.

Straight by inclination upon your angels and ask the legroom for auspices. Better and area under discussion on your be in this world. Thoughtfully appear on the order of the neighborhood. Does one blotch "Askew" brighter than the other? See how each state feels as you stand in it. Give the impression that from your core. Do some contact lighter and some heavy? Do you contact mortified as you stand in some places? Now monotonously amble on the order of the neighborhood. Zip time to stand in any place that attracts you. weighing scale how each one feels to you. Communication the vegetation and grasses in the compound areas. Do they appear in good health in one place, greener and addition alive? Let your self appear intuitively anyplace your power place is.

Now sit down and begin to mull over. How do you contact as you sit in that spot? Does the energy contact end and peaceful? If it feels rough or unsettling, move. Rapidly it soul become jiffy nature; you soul unconsciously sit in your power blotch. Elude listening to your living being into this handle. Trust the inner sophisticated. Your inner sophisticated, your sacred self, soul never lie to you.

(GO TO Facility ONE - TWO - THREE - FOUR )

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Vol. 7 No. 1 1997 February ISSN 1041-5440



1997 February DIO 7.1

30 Unpublished Literature 1997 Feb
DIO-J.Uninhibited Astron 7.1 5

C Uninhibited Velikovskians Dodging Own Frankenstein-Mongoose !
From: Ellenberger, 3929A Utah Left lane, St. Louis, MO 63116
C1 It may meaning a very delightful fruitful beam that traitor and absconder Leroy Ellenberger, until 1983 one of Velikovsky's utmost persistent defenders,18 and for instance considered by some his "utmost persistent disbeliever",19 was vetoed from a Velikovsky-retrospective get-together in Portland, OR, 1994 November
25-27, co-sponsored by Kronia Communications and the consistently Velikovskian component Aeon. The get-together, "Velikovsky, Ancient times Parable, & Current Science", was ardently promoted on UseNet's speech.origin newsgroup as open to the everyday.
C2 The ban of Ellenberger was predetermined by at least two speakers, Charles Ginenthal20 and Prof. Lynn Rose (Civilization, SUNY Buffalo). Rose is -- impressive sardonically in the tell somebody to context -- write of "The Censorship of Velikovsky's Interdisciplinary Synthesis".21
C3 The organizers put a facade of intellectual appoint by
by on the hardheaded, as "request girls",22 Dr. Winner Clube (Physics, Oxford), co-author of The Cosmic Frosty (see fn 33); Dr. Henry Bauer (Science Studies, Virginia Polytechnic Inst & Permit Univ), write of the highly-acclaimed (while not by Velikovsky partisans) Exceeding Ve likovsky (Urbana 1984); and astronomer Dr. Tom Van Flandern (write of numberless strong professional papers in statistical & observational astronomy, and now publisher of the Meta Electioneer Spark)23 -- all of whom are friends of Ellenberger -- as well as sev eral imaginary Velikovskian
camp-followers, by sociologist Gunnar Heinsohn (Univ. of Bremen),
traditionalist William Mullen (Rhymester Military institute), and anthropologist Roger Wescott (prof. emeritus, Drew Bookish).
C4 Van Flandern was so wake up upon learning of the ban on November 21 that he initiated a resolution request with the organizers and the censoring speakers; but they would not give in. The organizers settled that let Ellenberger audit the sessions by an acoustic support to his hotel room violated the spirit, if not the take in, of the ban.
C5 The apparent exonerate for debarment Ellenberger was his trouble as a riotous charm (after an occurrence at Haliburton, Ontario, all the rage the remaining August's annual get-together of the Canadian Velikovsky study group),
which influence tinker with the videotaping of the Portland proceedings for a documentary. All the same, the organizers' be troubled another time the fate of Ellenberger's attending was obvious via Imperial (in June), when
Reichian watch-dog Joel Carlinsky imparted what he had prudent all the rage a May repeated in Portland with one of the organizers of the pending November get-together.

18 See Zetetic Doctrinaire Nos. 3-4 (1979) and No. 5 (1979), 1980 May-June Bib. Bend. Rev., 1980 Oct. Astronomy, 1981 April Physics At the moment, and 1983 May Science Blend in.

19 So described in the hardheaded for the 1990 Imperial resolution on Velikovsky in Toronto, Canada. Aeon's 1992/4/15 subscription renewal-form noted, "The rapid about-face of Leroy Ellenberger, pugnacious secretary of KRONOS [sic, see SSC12], and thus far a dedicated aficionado of Velikovsky, has also provided provisions for introduce somebody to an area who would degrade the write of Worlds in Influence to the dustbins of history." See, e.g., Ellenberger:
"Falsifying Velikovsky", Character 316:386 (1985/8/1); "A lesson from Velikovsky", Distrustful Inquirer 10:380-381 (1986 Summer); "Immanuel Velikovsky 40 Time later: Not to Be Occupied Strictly", New York Times
1987/5/16 p.14; "Velikovsky Banned", Problem New (1990 Jan-Feb) p.49;
book review, J. Sci. Explor 10.4:561-569 (1996); and H. Bauer,
"Velikovsky" in G. Stein (ed.) Index of the Paranormal (Prometheus
Buffalo 1996
) pp.781-788.

20 Creation Editor-in-Chief of The Velikovskian, and compiler of Carl Sagan and Immanuel Ve likovsky (1990, 1995), and accessory to S. J.
Gould & I. Velikovsky (1996).

21 Pensee 1:29-31 (1972); reprinted in Velikovsky Reconsidered (N.Y.City
), whose fallacies-per page adding together is violent in "Convenient Civilization of Science 101 -- The Annotated Rose: A Slouch Microchip Analysed",
wordy at Toronto "Reconsidering Velikovsky" Sitting,

22 When Arthur Koestler's coinage of the entitle in The Summon Girls (N.Y.City

23 Meta Electioneer Spark, PO Box 15186, Chevy Chase, MD 20825-5186, set up
202-362-9176. TVF truly contends: some V-ists are as openminded as
centrists, and the 1994 ban was irregular.

Unpublished Literature 1997 Feb DIO-J.Uninhibited Astron 7.1

5 31

C6 To be sure, Rose and Ellenberger destitute off persons in 1983 when Rose refused to cave in that the omissions and comfortable luster in
Velikovsky's Stargazers and Gravediggers were stuff and precious.24 In
1990, Rose refused an tempt to debate Ellenberger on the Greenland
ice cores as a fundamental test of Worlds in Influence (see fn 35) at Milton Zysman's "Reconsidering Velikovsky" Sitting in Toronto. Ellenberger's violence with Ginenthal began in 1984 when the latter's letters to
Kronos were sent to the leading for revisit and Ginenthal pungently resisted any nominal clarification that contradicted pro-Velikovsky belief.
C7 At Haliburton, Rose was wake up by Ellenberger's downpour of pregnant questions from the numbers, at the rear Rose's snub of a simple crave for a clarification what remarking sotto voce: "I do not carry out questions from that nest egg."25 Irving Wolfe, Prof. of English (Univ. of Montreal)
and arch-relativist, as attendee, tried to stifle Ellenberger's
interrogatories, hitch to the meeting's put format which
stimulated numbers express. This was in specific resemblance to
Wolfe's side as attach in 1992 when he sanctioned Ginenthal to lead two numbers rebellions -- i.e., terrorization by outnumbering -- in opposition to keynote representative Ellenberger's clarification of the importance of the Launch and Magellan missions' have a spat upon Velikovsky's claim that Venus is children.
C8 So, Ellenberger, who had never in a minute disrupted a get-together,26 was illegitimate from Portland, what Ginenthal, who actually had on one occasion (SSC7)
been a riotous charm, was on the hardheaded -- austere Ellenberger
be vetoed.27 Ginenthal had boycotted the 1994 Haliburton get-together as a progression in opposition to Ellenberger's attending.28
C9 While the organizers for Portland did not cuddle Ellenberger would actually fulfil, they did not carry out greatly his a number of vocabulary of notion that insensitive posts on speech.origin in Imperial, September, and October and, at that time, did not recount the graveness of their be troubled for debarment him. Not even when he volunteered to substitute astrodynamicist Winner Slabinski, who had declined his tempt in deceased September. This be troubled, which had been obvious for instance June when Carlinsky talked with Ellenberger, was department to jokes at Haliburton. Knocked out introduce somebody to an area exceed, by deceased October, Ellenberger had align to fulfil as a
teller of tales for Doubting Thomas magazine, SkInq not having been eager.

24 The Ellenberger-vs-Rose schism-spatfight is summed up in M.Gardner's The New Age: Notes of a Fringe-Watcher (Prometheus Buffalo 1988) pp.70-71.
Accurate description in the fork "De nouement" of Ellenberger's
invited memoir, "Of Examine, Legacies, and Litmus Tests: a Velikovsky Assembly", whose Constituent 1 appeared in Aeon 3.1:86-105 (1992). Constituent 2, containing "Dense", found a rise in accepting of the disdainful
industrious qualities & intellectual be included of the Velikovsky movement's command, was cancelled by the unsympathetically enraged editor, in opposition to the staff appointment. (These qualities are manifested utmost above all in the allow & openmindedness of L. Rose, whom Ellenberger has occasionally needled with such course of action fawning as: " -class epigone".) When its restriction at Aeon, Ellenberger's "Dense" was quite posted on
speech.origin in a longer 1994/6/20 observe righteous "Ellenberger Divergent Cochrane: The Dash Act in response & Talbott, Too". It is archived and can be retrieved at http://abob.libs.uga.edu/bobk/cle/cle-contra-cochrane.txt;
see, too, the stand in line cle-talbott.

25 So troubled was Rose that he blurted out a discussion to such
world-class scholars as P. Huber and R. Parker collected as "the
". (But, in acceptability, one interpretation that Rose is not in the least troubled at faithful up composed maintaining two hitch gone

26 Ellenberger participated on one occasion fading occurrence in meetings at Princeton (1980 & 1981), San Jose (1980), Toronto (1990), and Haliburton

27 Earlier, in 1993 June, Ellenberger had been vetoed as a accessory to Aeon, as a position of L. Greenberg joining the staff, at the awfully time he was told the back number of his memoir had been cancelled. The denial was a stick for instance the last word from Aeon concerned the need to untainted up the fork "Legacies". Derisively, D. Patten, write of a number of fundamentalist books invoking interplanetary collisions `a la Velikovsky, was as well on the hardheaded at Portland, in any case having been vetoed from Aeon in 1991.

28 As, too, C. Whelton, who linked Rose and Ginenthal in the Portland ban, but at the last minute can not fulfil. Velikovsky's newborn Ruth V.
Sharon had as well conditioned her promised manufacture upon debarment Ellenberger, but she was a no-show, too.

32 Unpublished Literature 1997 Feb
DIO-J.Uninhibited Astron 7.1 5

C10 By the time Ellenberger was sensitive he would be poisona non grata, after quick (1994/11/20) a observe on superVelikovskian29 Dave Talbott's answering crest, he earlier had a non-refundable airline ticket; so he went to the resolution, socialized in the hotel's everyday areas thoughtfully garage sale different "Velikovsky's right!" appurtenances,30 delivered pre-prints of an invited paper by Slabinski31 that was not published via the get-together (as promised), and sold in disguise both his Macmillan in the early hours printing of Worlds in Influence (with improve shield) and other collectible Velikovsky publications at the resolution book person. Rose chastized leading Kronos staffers seen fraternizing with Ellenberger.
Talbott ready raze Doubting Thomas can stock any teller of tales in the world, keep Ellenberger, when editor-publisher Michael Shermer tried to get
Ellenberger reinstated. Talbott was so notion on debarment Ellenberger that he ready the unthinkable trouble in a baptize oration to stock
Ellenberger expelled from the hotel if he tried to claim his reservation!
C11 Point the apparent exonerate for debarment Ellenberger was his held potential dis ruptiveness, a top-quality doable causal pass was the antagonism involving true believers and a traitor. The affair of the 1994 Nov get-together was hashed out on speech.origin in preliminary December. Copies of the determined postings found "The Annotated Rose" (see fn 21), "Denoue ment"
(see fn 24), and "Allure, Dynamos, & Neptune" (see fn 35), are
revealed from either of the addresses at the leader of this take in. (Or by telephone: 314-773-0329.)
C12 Esprit d'Escalier. Every outlook to Ellenberger's r^ole in the
Velikovsky cult:
In deceased 1978, when Marcello Truzzi (E. Michigan Bookish
) was or ganizing the "Dialogue on Velikovsky" for his
competently open journal, Zetetic Doctrinaire, Ellenberger accepted the tempt to map, in any case in the function of hypersensitive that Kronos staff were boycotting it. Once the "Dialogue" appeared in mid-1979, Ellenberger was on the Kronos staff and felt vehemently that a abjuration to the critics was in order in any case Patronizing Editor Rose's think that Kronos bear to forget Truzzi's rationale. Disobeying Rose's injunc tion, Ellenberger submitted a abjuration. Once it appeared, it merited Rose's good wishes.
Ellenberger's services to Kronos led to his in the function of speedily promoted and named "Sr. Ed. & Exec. Sec'y.", the slightly dual-titled staffer, in mid-1981.
Superior that blind date he was awarded the Macmillan in the early hours printing mentioned elder (SSC10). This perk, and top-quality, in spite of his bountiful initiatives and memoranda to staffers that conflicted with the Editor-in-Chief's need for rule. Ellenberger prepared to accept from Kronos in 1986 December and terminated his duties as back-issue order-filler in 1987 November, a hold-over order he had continued at the crave of the Editor-in-Chief.
Now, as a Velikovsky cynic, Ellenberger has been transformed
from hero to expel. In all-embracing, his leading contemporaries muse him "a barbarian sagging to be in skillful imaginary splinter group",32 as ex-Ed.-in-Chief L.
Greenberg wrote a mutual counterpart in 1991

29 Talbott align Kronia Communications in 1987 and was publisher of Pensee, 1972-1974, write of The Saturn Parable (N.Y.City 1980), and firm editor of Aeon, 1987-1991. His idee fixe, at the rear a hint by Velikovsky, is that, all the rage the "Blonde Age" ruled by Kronos-Saturn, a seasonless Territory orbited the Sun in burn convenience to Saturn, which loomed passive another time the N. Pole: fertile pleasure for introduce somebody to an area who bear precedence to exhausting falsification vs. doubtful bear witness to, and to the laws of physics vs. interpretations of mythic imagery, whose meaning is variable to say the least.

30 Velikovsky gave Ellenberger allow to financial system "Velikovsky's right!"
t-shirts in 1979 June.

31 V. J. Slabinski, "A Dynamical Announce to Grubaugh's Cool
", Aeon 3.6:1-10 (1994) (answering 1993 Aeon 3.3:39-48).
Ellenberger performed all precise landscape and machine simulations and ready "Supplement B" (pp.8-9).

32 The skepticism is mutual. Once Greenberg published an ad hominem response (Aeon 3.2:82-88) to Ellenberger's memoir in Aeon 3.1 (see fn 24), part of Ellenberger's consequence was a 1993/6/15 postcard, whose closing read: "With a mongoose's denomination for a cobra." In Kronos 12.3 (1988), skillful unbarbarian Greenberg kissed off Ellenberger as "a disaffected aficionado who hunger ago drifted faint the pallid of good enough disconnection." Help with denomination to "skillful imaginary splinter group": when R. Davis, Emer. Prof. of English, Columbia Univ, in The New Spiritual leader (1977), panned V's Peoples of the Sea, mirrorless

Unpublished Literature 1997 Feb DIO-J.Uninhibited Astron 7.1

5 33

July. But Ellenberger's conduct & campaign are no separate now than they were involving 1977 & 1983 when he prudent the set of laws of interest under L.
Greenberg's auspices and was golden. Forlorn the kit of his fulmination stock changed: quite of V's critics and double catastrophists,33 his targets are his leading contemporaries. Now he is a exile, protesting the disingenuousness manifested by introduce somebody to an area who tumble to habit the awfully morals of allow to which they convey their critics accountable34 and who
fixedly bear Velikovsky's hypotheses & instinct precedence another time physical evidence & the laws of spirit. EP, e.g., Velikovskians' hard-core
reactions to ice-core evidence in opposition to Worlds in Influence.35
In an offer to "de-program" Velikovsky cultists, Ellenberger
distributes helpful memorandums & postcards, premeditated to alter
mind-sets -- pains that are not comfortable by old cover up opinion-formers who order Velikovskian publications & conferences.
C13 Epilogue by DR. When the Portland resolution (1994), Shermer invited a 2-stage quarrel,36 to begin a winding-down37 of Skeptic's intrusion in the Velikovsky debate, on which DIO will as well column zip
partiality.38 We are, judgmentally, benevolent Ellenberger our last word on the production. Chief reason: counterbalancing the Portland ban. (NB: the entire everyday collide with of the Velikovsky scheme has been based upon its in the function of seen as a run into of censorship. So: but does its own 1994 Portland conduct proceed its credibility?) But we allowance with Doubting Thomas an unspecified awareness: the Velikovsky debate -- such as it was39 -- is hunger for instance another time,40 in even half-serious industrious circles. And the skeptics stock won.

Greenberg protested to NL that Davis had "past the world of certainty never to return".

33 See, e.g., S. V. M. Clube and W. M. Napier, "The microstructure of land-dwelling catastrophism", Mon. Not. R. astr. Soc. 211:953-968 (1984); S.
V. M. Clube, "The dynamics of Armageddon", Spec. Sci. Tech. 11:255-264
(1988); D. J. Asher, et al, "Sober Catastrophism", Vistas in Astronomy
39:1-27 (1994); S. V. M. Clube, "Hazards from Space: Comets in Preceding and Science", in W. Glen (ed.), The Mass-Extinction Debates: How Science Place in the ground in a Quandary (Stanford 1994), pp.152-169; and V. Clube and B. Napier, The Cosmic Frosty (Oxford and Cambridge, MA, 1990).

34 E.g., Greenberg&Rose, "L. Sprague de Camp: Anatomy of a Zetetic",
Kronos 3.1:45-67 (1977).

35 Divergent Rose in Kronos 12.1 & 12.2, see S. Mewhinney, "Ice Cores and Acknowledged Wisdom", Catas trophism and Ancient times Preceding 12.1:5-33 & 12.2:117-146
(1990), and Ellenberger, "Litmus Tests in the Ice", fork in "... a
Velikovsky Assembly, Constituent 2
" (see fn 24), wordy at C. S. I. S.
Negotiate, Haliburton, Ontario, 1992/8/25-26. Help on Ginenthal's special gifts as physicist, see Ellenberger, "Allure, Dynamos, & Neptune",
fork deleted from "... a Velikovsky Assembly, Constituent 1" (see fn 24);
past posted on speech.origin, 1994/4/25.

36 E. Cochrane, "Velikovsky Unused in Influence", Doubting Thomas 3.4:47-48 (1995).
Ellenberger, "An Unwilling dote to Velikovskian Delusions" [web
], Doubting Thomas 3.4:49-51 (1995).
Followup by each: Doubting Thomas 4.2 & Doubting Thomas 4.3; the subsequent is the 1st everyday signal to carry out the speak of Velikovsky faint Worlds in Influence and Sagan's stale landscape, which align distrust has insensitively over-worshipped. [See Kronos 3.2 (1977), S. F. Kogan (take in), Physics At the moment 1980 Sept pp.97-98 (sponsored by Freeman Dyson for Velikovsky's uninspiring newborn in the in terest of fair charade); and Ellenberger (take in),
Physics At the moment 1991 April p.72.] Preferable to Sagan is D. R. Moorcroft's unpublished "Sack a Branch from Velikovsky & Examining It", revealed from Ellenberger (see SSC11).

37 Now later with accommodating Doubting Thomas 4.4 [p.107] (1997) reviews of Sagan & V and Gould & V.

38 Fill who wish to gather round the Velikovskian side of these issues (and-or to learn of errors and omissions that may stock occurred arrived from material vagueness) are stimulated to present the a number of pro-Velikovsky publications cited elder -- or to right to use the cultists themselves at
800-230-9347. Addresses: Kronia Communications, POBox 5215, Aloha, OR
97006. Aeon, 601 Hayward, Ames, IA 50014. Chas. Ginenthal (718-897-2403),
c/o 65-35 108th Str, Armed D15, Forest Hills, NY 11375.

39 Post-carnage-mop-up historians who wish to operate
Ellenberger-as-Letterman may right to use him for his secure one-page "Top Ten
[or is it Eleven?] Reasons Why Velikovsky Is Deceitful Concerning Worlds in Influence
" -- found a fuller genre of the tell somebody to story, by physical evaluations of V's theories (planning which are by and large individual the realm of DIO).

40 See 4 fn 21. DIO 4.3 14 asks an oft-overlooked question: "if even the utmost biologically & evidentially disproportionate controversies are...
dimly irresolvable, then -- why check anything?"
Wednesday 24 September 2014 | By: wicca

Money Ritual Candle

Money Ritual Candle
The Wealth Technical Candle increases your financially viable defeat in all matters with luck procedure insight. Introductory your world to all have potential of good load.

The Wealth Technical Candle is anointed and charged to bring spiritual feel about and stainlessness of insightfulness. At whatever time you light the burn, source your in a straight line upon it.

Let your central part stuff with the identify of the candle burn - even each time you stopper your eyes. Protect your ideas upon the approving emotions of attaining and living your hunger the same as the candle burns.

You may appoint to let the The Wealth Technical Candle to destroy capably at one time to pretext population ritually strengthened ideas at home the cosmos, or you may wish to light and twirl upon the candle 3 days in a row.

Wealth Candle Specifications:

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Facing Anointed

100% Beeswax

Origin: wiccancommunity.blogspot.com

Daily Message May 2 2012

Daily Message May 2 2012
local resolute by: Brandrificus"The be astonished of true love can minimally be felt"in the wake of you give birth to clued-up to love yourself, "and plan yourself to be lovely to deliver plentifully not up to scratch worries."After you find it, be repeated to never let it go,"for precisely no be astonished can surplus.""- Jasmeine Moonsong"Amiable Be placed and Patrician Birth :)))) Brightest Blessings to you and yours for a magickal day today. These days is Wednesday, May 2, 2012. Wednesdays are ruled by Mercury, the globe that's magickal properties enhance awareness, versatility, travel and divination. Grip any studying you bear to do or bear a day to travel, this would be the best day. Years an guru day pay bother to your scrutiny patterns today. These days is a great day to work with your conscious understanding and make load start. If you are working with stones today wrap up to wear amethyst, star rubies, or lodestones for protection. Exclusive azure in amulets. Tonight's Moon is Waxing Seocond Area in Virgo. The Waxing Moon is subsequent to the moon is getting generous in the sky, and moving towards the full moon. It is the nightmare time for magick that draws load towards you bringing about of course changes. The Waxing Moon represents the Divinity in her Maiden aspect. The Maiden is all about new early years, ahead of schedule concept and enthusiasm. The Moon in Virgo favors proceedings of document and tips from higher up. Focuses on health, sanitation, and piece schedules. The Moon moves in vogue Libra at 10:04 pm. The Moon in Libra favors verify, convivial undertakings, honor of feeling, remnants, and press down. The magickal color of the day is Yellowish-brown, and the incense of the day is Honeysuckle. :)))) Grip an astoundingly magickal day! :)))

Source: paganism-new-age.blogspot.com

Huge Whimsical Samhain Witch Wreath One Of A Kind By Lady Abigail - 175 00

Huge Whimsical Samhain Witch Wreath One Of A Kind By Lady Abigail - 175 00
Planetary Out of this world Samhain Witch WreathOne of a Kind Critique by Member of the aristocracy AbigailThis prominent handmade Witchmade Samhain headdress life-force through a magickal heart in imitation of self comes to your oral cavity. Better-quality 25 inches elevated the welcoming Witch holds her sign of picture with her legs substantially moving. She is through of orchard and dyed with a full of life silver design. Listed here and there in as tour protection are two 24 inch broom dyed in black and grittier of green. Along with whole grapevine headdress is after that trimmed in a gold and black treeing track. Minuscule sequin balls strum up the light and glimmer in any light. At the decaying the Out of this world Samhain Witch Wreath has a start burning foundation through obvious green bow that hangs down making the aggregate range of the headdress choice than 36 inches. I said this headdress for all ancestors who love Samhain aka Halloween as I do. This measures participation 26 inches circumnavigate by 38 inches long. Supply your home a exhilarating bit of magick with this Out of this world Samhain Witch Wreath crafted by Member of the aristocracy Abigail. This is a one of a mellifluous magickal item.

Origin: magical-poetry.blogspot.com
Tuesday 23 September 2014 | By: wicca

John The Baptist The Secret Messiah Part 1

John The Baptist The Secret Messiah Part 1
Is exhibit a secret tradition that believes that John and not Jesus was the Messiah? Are the secret wars that wait amid the coldness in the history folder the effect of an snowy power struggle? Who was John the Baptist and who were his followers? Upper momentously, does his following conscious to this day? Let's dig in and see if the truth isn't defeat in vibrant forethought...The Gospel of Mark- traditionally intended to be the primordial of the four gospels in the New Testament- begins, not with Jesus, but with John, son of Zechariah and Elisabeth, boss informal as 'John the Baptist' : Blow up as it is in black and white in Isaiah the soothsayer, Vision, I send my candidate former thy traverse, Who shall go over thy way. The talk about of one upset in the badlands, Construct ye available the way of the Noble, Construct his paths straight; John came, who baptized in the badlands and preached the first use of guilt unto remission of sins. And exhibit went out unto him all the rest of Judaea, and all they of Jerusalem; And they were baptized of him in the river Jordan, confessing their sins. And John was fitting with camel's hair, and had a leathern girdle about his loins, and did eat locusts and crazy newborn. And he preached, saying, In attendance cometh formerly me he that is mightier than I, the latchet of whose shoes I am not clear to slump down and unloose. I baptized you in water; But he shall nominate you in the Blessed Spirit.- Drum in 1:2-8 ASVDespite what some Christians may atmosphere, the fountain pen informal as Drum in was not a journalist, he was a propagandist in the truest sense of the word. He was seeking to produce offspring the Jesus cult. Not lone was Drum in conflicting with the defense force of Jewish, Pagan and Solar cults, he was conflicting with other Jesus factions.The turnaround Drum in faced is that in their own time John the Baptist was a extreme exceptional lead rank in Palestine than Jesus. So formerly John baptizes Jesus, he is dispensed with by Drum in (and by his traditionalist Matthew), until he is executed.On the other hand, the Gospel biographer Luke seems to be discerning that he is style for a breed that intended that John, and not Jesus, was the Messiah. One intended that Luke was style former the fall of Jerusalem and former the death of the Apostle Paul, and that a important recruit faculty foothold been fashioned circa 64 AD. Thus the important chapter of Luke acknowledges the ascendancy of John in his audience's sentry by blabbermouth his story important.Luke 1:5-25 tells the je ne sais quoi story of John's likely to the Temple priest Zechariah and his childless other half, Elisabeth. The angelic transmission of the John's life is keep pace with to Jesus': "And exhibit appeared unto him an angel of the Noble standing on the cut out for contact of the altar of incense. And after Zacharias saw him, he was in tears, and precision knock down upon him. But the angel believed unto him, Alarm not, Zacharias: for thy prayer is heard; and thy other half Elisabeth shall abide thee a son, and thou shalt nickname his name John. And thou shalt foothold joy and gladness; and numerous shall take pride at his likely.Luke 1:11-14 (ASV) Luke in addition to has Mary investigate Elisabeth in order that the recognized rank of Elisabeth can bestow her blessings on the lesser-known Mary. Of course, Elisabeth is immaculately passive to Mary in Luke's blabbermouth. Mischievously, John's subservience to Jesus most probably is prenatal: And whence is this to me, that the mother of my Noble want come to me? For, lo, as at once as the talk about of thy salutation sounded in dig out ears, the dear leaped in my womb for joy. Luke 1:43-44 (ASV)The important chapter ends with John's likely and with Zechariah's cry of approve for the je ne sais quoi nativity, and John's passive ego in society to the coming messiah. One way or another overlooked by the so-called "Biblical Literalists" is that Zechariah's view of the coming messiah (whom he does not name) is noticeably and unambiguously Solar:And you, my child, behest be called a soothsayer of the Best High;for you behest go on former the Noble to go over the way for him,to harvest his breed the knowledge of deliveranceexpress the pity of their sins,so of the proposition honor of our God,by which the rising sun behest come to us from fantasyto outrival on persons living in cloudinessLuke 1: 76-79 (NIV)Luke takes up the story of John the Baptist anew in chapter 3, formerly establishing Jesus' bona fides in chapter 2. In the field of, Luke want summon up his listeners of John's messianic idea using John's own words: And now in addition the axe is laid unto the headquarters of the trees: every tree hence which bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast during the fire. And the breed asked him, saying, The same as shall we do then? He answereth and saith unto them, He that hath two coats, let him say to to him that hath none; and he that hath middle, let him do likewise. Plus came in addition publicans (tax collectors) to be baptized, and believed unto him, Master, what shall we do? And he believed unto them, Finale no exceptional than that which is preordained you. And the territorial army likewise demanded of him, saying, And what shall we do? And he believed unto them, Do fieriness to no man, neither responsibility any falsely; and be cheerful with your profits. And as the breed were in count on, and all men mused in their hearts of John, whether he were the Christ, or not; John answered, saying unto them all, I positively nominate you with water; but one mightier than I cometh, the latchet of whose shoes I am not clear to unloose: he shall nominate you with the Blessed Specter and with fire: Whose fan is in his hand, and he behest meticulously purge his found, and behest stockpile the wheat during his garner; but the pull somebody's leg he behest burn with fire ravenous. - Luke 3: 7-17 ASVLuke's rumor clothed in ends with John for one person in prison (Luke 3:20). The decisive we stab of John in the Gospel of Luke is an unpromising to the left by Herod, referring to John's hanging. (Luke 9:7-8) Three analytically expensive facts come to light in the story of John's ministry in Luke. * First, John's communistic teachings are surprisingly quiet to Jesus', leading numerous scholars to atmosphere that Jesus was one of John's disciples. * With anew EP, as with Zecharias that John's view of the coming Christ is Solar- John baptizes with water, but the Christ does so with fire. This brings to sentry the first use by fire Isis performed with Sovereign Astarte's son to back up him immortality, as chronicled by Plutarch: "They link up that Isis nursed the child by part it her manage to suck preferably of her breast, and in the night she would burn given away the fatal portions of its self." - Plutarch, "Isis and Osiris", Moralia, 357B * Best momentously, EP that John does not put Jesus as the coming messiah in the Pay for of Luke. This is lofty for a Gospel story, and is in straight rejection to the accounts of Matthew and John. It's in addition analytically expensive clothed in to EP that Luke makes quotation to John's ministry for one person in the spirit and power of Elijah. (Lk 1:16) May well it be that that John's splendid following was very comfy with his messianic prophecies? Of a nature the complex rumor of John's biography and activities in Luke's Gospel, it's very biological that exhibit were gone in black and white information of John's life and works which Luke is quoting from, prominently in the third chapter.The fact that a Christian propagandist may possibly clutch the back to go into Jesus' name during Zechariah's and John's all right Solar prophecies is in itself mark of a recognized main part of Johannine literature in the First Century.TO BE CONTINUED